Content and SEO to be successful with your website

14 April 2022

Content and SEO are two fundamental elements that go hand in hand to be successful with your website.

Content marketing is the strategy that allows, through SEO (the art of positioning a site), to reach potential customers. In reality, it is the latter who will land on your site since the SEO will direct them to consult your content to find the best answers they are looking for.

Obviously you have to offer quality in your texts and above all know how to structure them in such a way as to be “chosen” by search engines.

To create a site we use platforms such as WordPress, a content management system that has a SEO section dedicated to optimization. Exploiting the resources of this software means creating the way to the success of your site.

Contenuti e SEO per avere successo con il tuo sito web

However, this is not enough, since you are not the only one on the net and to stand out from the competition you have to “conquer” the most used engines like Google by working hard and correctly.

Are you wondering how to do it? Stay with us and read on to find out how to attract customers to your website and retain them.

3 fundamental elements contained in a successful website

A mistake that is commonly made when building a website is writing content before reflecting on SEO optimization.

Following this process causes a great waste of time and money, as many find themselves having to change pages and even rewrite pieces of content.

Everything revolves around your audience: knowing their language is the key to success in optimizing SEO content.

And it is precisely on the study done on readers that the following elements are developed that lead a site to be consulted by a large number of people and consequently well positioned online.

  1. Keywords

    It is very important to include the right keywords on your website. The right words are those used by your audience during a search, which is why we affirmed the importance of knowing your target before creating content. Find the keywords people use when they search, know their needs and provide answers to their concerns using their language format. Be careful not to repeat the same terms too much, as search engines are intelligent and can recognize synonyms, plurals, abbreviations, etc. Keywords must be inserted in texts, titles, descriptions, subtitles, images and even in the URL.

  2. Call to action

    Your content is flawless, but have you entered a call to action? The call to action has the role of directing readers to take action at the end of the reading. The public, after consulting the information they were looking for, must be clear about the next step to take in order not to be in a position of uncertainty and be pushed to leave your site. For this reason, a button is added to click to take you to another page to consult or directly to the online store.

  3. Social Networks

    Knowing your audience means finding yourself where they are. Social networks are now a precious resource made available on the market and that companies must exploit to disseminate their content more. Therefore, social sharing buttons are one of the most important content of a successful website. Through these buttons, readers are given the opportunity to be able to share what you offer on their profiles to a wider community. They must be inserted at the beginning and at the end of each content.

Now look with us for any technical issues that are preventing a site from being successful.

Content and SEO: the technical aspects

#1 Upload Speed: Each content should not exceed 3 seconds while uploading.
#2 Responsive site: verify that the contents are displayed correctly on mobile devices and that the CTAs are viewed correctly. Remember that the site, in addition to being responsive, must be optimized for mobile indexing.
#3 URL: The URLs used must be short and descriptive.
#4 Sitemap: create a sitemap (a map of your site) to insert within your website and provide a sitemap.xml file to search engines, so that they can best index all pages.
#5 Links: Verify that links to content are performed correctly without interruptions, i.e. avoid error pages or nonexistent pages.
