Technological Platforms

The technological platforms that must be used by a Web Agency or a company in the sector connected to IT and marketing consultancy are mainly related to the following features:

  • Domain registration and DNS management;
  • E-mail services;
  • Website hosting & Database management.
Technological Platforms for Domain Registration and DNS Management

By Domain Registration we mean all those services relating to the management of Domain Name Servers that allow you to use domain names instead of numerical IP addresses.

The Network is a system of nodes (hosts) each of which is associated with a single IP address, that is a numeric string that is most often unique: when an Internet site is called by typing in an address or through software that perform certain functions even if we use a name we are actually calling a host and therefore an IP address.

This is possible because upstream of the entire Internet there is a system capable of transforming names into IP addresses and vice versa: this is what Domain Name Servers make manageable through the Webateca Domain Registration and DNS Management service which jointly allows , to maintain national and international domains and the related DNS management.

In particular, Webateca is the Registrar of, or a service provider contracted with the Italian Registry on the basis of which it can manage .it domains, on its own or on behalf of its customers as this activity is not carried out by the Registry itself; the Registrar function guarantees the performance of operations and the reliability of the Domain Registration service according to high-level operational and functional criteria.

Technological Platforms for E-mail Services

The high quality e-mail service that allows you to have an infinite quantity of email addresses and to have all the necessary space.

The email servers are redundant and are set up to handle high message loads with many features available including Antivirus, Antispam, SMTP Authentication, POP3, IMAP4, Mailing-List, SPF and DKIM support and an advanced groupware system with professional webmail , dynamic contact book and integrated calendar.

The mailboxes, with capacities from 1GB up to 25GB, are continuously synchronized between servers, webmail, desktops, tablets and smartphones without particular complicated configurations: the mailbox contains the information and documents a user needs for their productivity, wherever he is: in the office, elsewhere, in Italy or abroad.

The powerful and versatile webmail interface makes the need for software to install and configure completely superfluous and allows you to have a calendar and address book that can be shared with your colleagues on any device.

Thanks to the use of the CalDAV, CardDAV, ICS, XML, and Exchange ActiveSync protocols, events and contacts are continuously synchronized between all employees and team of the company.

To ensure the security of your emails and those of your customers and limit the risk of email scams, the system natively integrates protection systems against spam, viruses, ransomware and phishing.

Only desired email messages arrive in customer inboxes: spam, virus, malware, ransomware, phishing and scam messages are rejected and suspicious messages are quarantined for subsequent investigation.

Furthermore, thanks to the Email Archive functionality, it is possible to save and keep a copy of all messages sent and received, totally in the Cloud, without software or plugins to install: the messages are accessible in read-only mode and are kept for a maximum period of 10 years without space limits.

To facilitate the activities of the IT managers of Web Agencies, Software Houses, Communication Agencies or in any case operators in the IT consultancy sector, an advanced multilevel control panel is available which, in total autonomy, allows managers to have full control over emails of its customers.

Designed and built to suit the IT manager, the control panel is designed to work completely in Self Service mode: from a single cloud console it is possible to manage all customer email boxes, even on multiple domains.

The panel is equipped with graphical customization tools with SSL support and multilevel access that allow you to assign privileges even to the customer’s dedicated staff: from the management of email boxes to the configuration of filters, from activation to technical support for users up to the systems configuration of privileged user access and the automated migration and import of existing emails.

Each e-mail domain manager can independently configure whitelist (list of trusted senders) and blacklist (lists of senders to block) and more or less restrictive antispam levels and analyze, through a dedicated interface, the incoming traffic logs and output in real time in order to solve problems faster.

The main features of the e-mail service control panel are:

  • Single login to manage multiple Domains and Emails;
  • Multilevel access (Customer, Manager, Postmaster, User);
  • Whitelabel and Customizable Interface with SSL;
  • DKIM Signature Management by Domain;
  • Real-time cloud log analysis;
  • Webhooks and Email Notifications;
  • Autoresponder with time range;
  • Automatic email import and migration tool;
  • Login failed notification;
  • Optional access via OTP;
  • Restrictions on an IP basis;
  • POP IMAP SMTP accesses with limit per IP;
  • API access.
Technological Platforms for Website Hosting & Database Management

To function properly, a site needs space for files and for the database that hosts dynamic content.

Webateca provides with all the domiciliation services necessary to make a website or web application work: hosting, connection bandwidth, backup, web server maintenance, SSL certification, SQL and NoSQL database management, scalable computing powers, support for Google Maps, privacy Policy and Cookie information adaptation in line with EU European Regulation 2016/679 known as GDPR.

In particular, the following services are provided:

  • Web hosting;
  • Database Management;
  • SSL protocol;
  • Http2 protocol;
  • Gmaps support;
  • Cookie management for GDPR.

The server farm has high quality hardware, the protection of remote access to services is guaranteed by software and hardware firewall tools of the highest quality available on the market.

Data availability is guaranteed by periodic (daily and weekly) backup and redundancy procedures on security servers, and the possibility of roll-back is also offered (potential for “take me back”).

In particular, heuristic antiviral systems are activated to prevent the spread of viruses and other malware software to protect the privacy of the hosted data.
