Online visibility

11 April 2022

Online visibility in the marketing world is everything. In the presence of thousands of ads and messages, we are immediately drawn to the tallest, brightest and most eye-catching advertising on display, whether offline or online.

There are essentially three reasons why online visibility is important:

  • Drive traffic online, if your audience isn’t looking for your brand yet, without online visibility you will be nowhere to be found. As a result, online traffic is practically non-existent.
  • It’s a long-term sustainable investment if users come to your website through quality content and not through paid ads.
  • It can help you achieve your business goals if you can get your visitors online.

Online visibility makes your online channels discoverable and this is the first step in attracting online traffic, as well as the content that activates and stimulates these users.

And it is an important step in achieving your goals such as generating leads to increase revenue.

If you want your content to be first on display, you need to come up with the most engaging message and the most attractive layout. How you do it?

Visibilità online

Examine your marketing resources

This analysis must be done on several fronts.

First and foremost, you need to be the most relevant product or service, with maximum visibility.

Your first marketing asset is your brand.

You need to understand what makes your brand attractive considering that attractiveness can be anything from a unique product or service, or something that meets a very specific need.

Other marketing resources may include videos, testimonials, newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, or anything else that can lead a potential customer to choose your product / service.

Statistical Analysis

We will never stop emphasizing the importance of numbers, especially those contained in the statistics.

These analyzes must be done constantly and in a very accurate and thorough manner.

Understanding who you are attracting, when, where and why is key to fueling online visibility.

After all, there are many tools – both free and paid – to use, such as Google Analytics or Semrush.

Correctly monitoring and interpreting the vast data base to analyze the number of visitors, sessions, bounce rate, why visitors drop out, click-through rates and more, is the primary activity that can help you optimize your online visibility.

Making sense of these numbers and raw data can be of great help in correctly evaluating and profiling our users / visitors on the path to take to convert them into customers.

Identify the gap with the competitors

Find the gap between you and your competitors and find out where you are positioned in the search engines compared to the competition.

Once you have identified the gap, you can do an in-depth analysis of your website and those of your competitors who are positioned above you: this will show you the gap that you must not only fill but that you must overcome and maintain with well-defined strategies.

How to maintain online visibility

It is not enough to become visible online, you must remain visible online. To maintain online visibility you must continuously:

  • Monitor your performance online.
  • Optimize your content.
  • Monitor current market events.

Online visibility on different channels, such as search engines or social media is crucial.

The result? Organic traffic!
