Here’s how to optimize performance through content for your customers’ sites

18 April 2022

When creating a website you need to make sure that the browsing experience is as simple as possible.

Uploads that are too long, content that does not suit mobile browsing etc should not be neglected, so you must always keep an eye on the performance of the website.

Optimize performance through content

Web content is an important component of a website and just like the design it helps to improve the web presence.

Multimedia Contents

Multimedia content, especially in an e-commerce, is intended to present products with quality images and videos.

Each added image increases the website page load time.

What to do:

  • Load as few elements as possible from external pages
  • Avoid unnecessary images, videos and other multimedia elements
  • Compress images with the help of tools
  • Save the images to an external server
  • Use SVG icons
  • Delay the uploading process of all images outside the viewing area
  • Use the efficient WebP image format

Image optimization is important for the SEO of your site

Google has a dedicated section for images in its search engine.

When entering a specific keyword or phrase, search for all images with the search terms used.

This is also essential for the SEO of the website.

  • Image placement helps increase website visits
  • They also capture traffic indirectly if they are linked to textual content
  • Google also takes into account the loading speed of image

What to do when adding multimedia content and improving SEO?

Here are the steps to follow

  • File name: short and descriptive, it must give an idea of ​​the image content, preferably if it also includes the keyword
  • Alt Tag: Must be a broader description than the photo name and must include the keyword
  • File size: the heavier the files, the slower the site will be
  • Texts and multimedia contents must be consistent with the context
  • Multimedia content description: its main function is to expand the information contained in the ALT tag, this helps Google to better understand the content.





