Website and mobile app: the winning combination

04 November 2019

Website and mobile app are the winning combination for those who want to reach as many visitors as possible to convert into potential customers.

Today’s users use mobile phones more than computers because it is the fastest way to browse the Internet.

Mobile marketing is one of the priorities in the organization of corporate strategies aimed at the sale of goods or services. Many businesses still don’t know that not investing in mobile means eliminating half of the traffic coming from mobile devices.

Let’s find out now why the website and the mobile app are the winning combination.

Website and mobile app: the winning combination

  1. Website always available everywhere
    A responsive website, that is, adapted to smartphones, gives us the opportunity to consult it at any day, time and place without using a computer. Furthermore, it will also be possible for us to buy online directly on our mobile phone whenever we wish. It is an achievement for today’s consumers to be able to see the content they want from the comfort of their home without having to log into their PC.
  2. Google loves the mobile app
    Google is a search engine that puts user actions at the center of its interest. It rewards websites that have a design adapted to mobile devices because it is aware of the growing research carried out via smartphones. This is one of the most important reasons that should push companies to invest in mobile to prevent their site from being badly positioned on search engines.
  3. Excellent User Experience
    Offering users a responsive website means improving their user experience and therefore convincing them to come back to visit our content and buy our products and services again, becoming loyal customers. It is sufficient to think that not guaranteeing this type of service means forcing people to turn on the computer. They might as well seek out what they want from other competitors who have adapted websites.
  4. Smartphones are the first search option
    According to statistics, smartphones are the first option for users to access the internet. This means, as we have already repeated on several occasions, that mobile is a rich source of traffic for business.

